Be a part of changing lives
With nearly 8,000 children lost to abortion in Maricopa County each year, your help is vital to reaching women and saving lives. Partner with us to value life, love well, and make an impact in our community. You CAN make a difference.
Use your talents and gifts to change the lives of babies, women and families in our community. Volunteers are essential in making the mission of Life Choices Women’s Clinic possible. You can change a life for as little as a few hours per week.
Partner with Life Choices Women’s Clinics to build a community for Christ. Together we can promote the sanctity of human life, protect the unborn, and share the love of Christ throughout Maricopa County.
Be a difference maker in our community. Your business can stand with Life Choices Women’s Clinics as a corporate partner. You can make an impact by sponsoring an event, donating in-kind services or matching gifts.
If you are a medical professional who is looking to change jobs and is interested in working in a life-affirming environment, look no further than Life Choices Women’s Clinic.
Partner with Life Choices to be a life-affirming advocate in our community. Coordinate on-campus and community events to reach women who may be considering abortion.
There are many opportunities to work with Life Choices as we reach out to women in need, and spread life-affirming information at our events or at community events.

Life Choices Women’s Clinic has a PLAN!
Life Choices provides the services of a Pregnancy Resource Center: pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, counseling and support. These basic services are available to address the needs of women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.
We also offer life-affirming GYN medical services to our clients: exams for issues or annual wellness, std testing, IUD and implant removals. Medical services reinforce respect and responsibility for personal health care decisions.
Our future plan is to add OB medical services to follow our patients through labor and delivery. Maintaining a continuity of care for our patients assures the availability of life-affirming healthcare.

Are you interested in helping us? We’d love to hear from you.
Contact Sheila by phone at 602-826-8858, or by email at [email protected].