Boomerang Bottles

Hosting a Boomerang Bottles for Life event is a wonderful way for your Group or Church to get involved in the pro-life movement, and to share in the mission of Life Choices Women’s Clinic. Life Choices is a pro-life clinic providing medical and social help to women during their pregnancies.
A church or social group can work together to help save lives at Life Choices Women’s Clinic by collecting money for small sacrifices for a week or month. The donations are put in baby bottles like a piggy bank. The donations, when added together, provide the funds for the important services we offer at Life Choices Women’s Clinic. This is a way anyone can get involved. A child may throw in a few cents and an adult can contribute the money for a movie or treat offered up. Everyone becomes a partner in protecting the unborn babies.
We have baby bottles that can be distributed to the group or church with instructions specific to your program. The instructions will specify when and where the bottles are to be returned. We will send you instructions, bulletin announcements, flyers, and posters to help with advertising your Boomerang Bottle event.
To start a Boomerang Bottles, contact our office for the bottles. We will be glad to help you with flyers and instructions for your group.
Cradle Sunday

Our Cradle Sunday Events
Cradle Sunday is a wonderful way for your Group or Church to get involved in the pro-life
movement, and to share in the mission of Life Choices Women’s Clinic. We ask you to donate new or used baby items, maternity clothing or monetary gifts that assist us in providing help to women in need. We will be glad to send instructions, bulletin announcements, flyers, and posters to help with advertising your Cradle Sunday event.
Diaper Drive

Our Baby Boutique is stocked with donations of diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, clothing and toys, as well as maternity clothing and other pregnancy and childcare items. These items come from our generous supporters as individual donations, or through our Diaper Drive and Cradle Sunday collections. Your support keeps the Baby Boutique supplied with the items needed by our expectant or new mothers who need additional help and support in caring for their babies.
We are currently in need of: Diapers (larger sizes: 3-5) & Baby Wipes
For questions, please call 602.826.8858
Your support will help mothers and babies!