At Life Choices Women’s Clinic, we know we could never carry out our life-saving work without the faithful support and sacrificial gifts of our friends and supporters. We thank God for each one of you. Your prayers, financial generosity, and commitment are the life-blood of this ministry and a source of continual encouragement. We understand that we are in a working partnership with you and, as such, have certain responsibilities to you. To that end, we promise:
- that we will never rent, sell or make available your name to any other organization for any reason;
- that we will be in compliance with Federal, State and local laws;
- that we will not use high-pressure tactics to solicit your support ant that our appeals for funds are accurate to the best of our ability;
- that we will maintain a policy of full disclosure to your supporters about our finances and operations;
- that we will welcome your visits to our offices to meet with us personally;
- that we will be well-managed and strive for excellence without extravagance in our facilities and programs;
- that our Board of Directors will be involved, act responsibly and take its oversight duties seriously;
- that we will respond quickly to your questions about our finances and our programs.

Life Choices Women’s Clinic (LCWC) values your support and we are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy describes information collected when you visit our website, and how we use this information. We ensure that information provided is handled in a confidential and secure manner and we never share your information with other organizations except as required for secure credit card processing.
Information collected, and how we use this information:
When you visit our site, some non-identifying basic information is collected to allow us to make improvements to our site. This includes total number of visitors, pages viewed and other non-identifying information.
- Donations to LCWC made online are processed through a secure network connection. For online donations, we ask for personal information such as your name, address, phone, and e-mail address. This information is used to process donations and to verify credit card data. Mailing addresses are used for sending tax-deductible receipts.
- You will be added to our mailing list for quarterly newsletters and events (Christmas cards, open houses, etc.) unless you opt out. Phone numbers are used if needed to verify donation information, and are not used for telephone solicitations. E-mail addresses are used to send e-mail confirmations of donations and may be used for additional communications.
- LCWC uses a third-party processor for online credit card verification. The third-party processor collects name, address, phone, credit card number, expiration date, and security code in order to process transactions. We may utilize cookies to store some personal information in your web browser until transactions are completed, but we do not directly receive or retain credit card information or expiration dates.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have at 602-826-8858.